Better visualization of data formats using assembly POC's to better implement them in C
Are you tired of staring at hex dumps, white papers and manual pages? Want to feel like you truly know how a data type like a file format, or a disk partition LOOKS like. Well I can't help you with the manual pages and white papers, ( , ) but here is a great example of implementing a fat12 floppy image in assembly. ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;// THE SCOTCH-WARE LICENSE (Revision 0): ;// <> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you ;// can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think ;// this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a shot of scotch in return ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; This assembles to a floppy disk image [bits 16] [org 0x7C00] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...